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The Transcontinental Race - TCRno7 2019


The Transcontinental Race - TCRno7 2019

Jonathan KB

The Transcontinental Race - TCRno7 2019

Collection von Jonathan KB

14 Touren

238:22 Std

4 054 km

42 490 m

Early on in my cycle around the world - way in back in 2015, I stayed with a family via Couchsurfing in Prague. My host, Tomas, was training for TCRNo3. I'd never heard of the Transcontinental, and to be honest, it sounded insane. Tomas was planning to cycle across Europe in 10 days. It taken me about about 2 months to get to the Czech Republic, so I couldn't really get my head around it.At the time, I didn't realise I was cycling around the world. About a year later, as I cycled through South East Asia I began wondering what constituted an around-the-world cycle. It was then that I first heard of Mike Hall, as he held the record for the fastest circumference of the world by bike. It was Mike who had founded the TCR back in 2013.A few year later, I was in Australia working and saving up for the final leg of my RTW. In March, 2017 Mike Hall tragically died in an accident during the Indian Pacific Wheel Race which took place in Australia.That summer, as I cycled across the US, I briefly followed the TransAmerica Trail, along which the Trans Am Bike Race had taken place a few weeks earlier. Mike had also won this race. I was starting to be intrigued by the ultra-endurance bikepacking scene.Towards the end of my RTW that winter, I met a Angela in Sheffield, who had taken part in TCRNo5. She only had great things to say about the adventure.In 2018 I started a job at Apidura, who has supported Mike, and sponsored the TCR. That year, three of my colleagues took part in the race. I became engrossed in their training and preparation, and loved dot watching the race. By autumn I knew I had to throw my hat into the ring and see how I might fair attempting to ride across Europe that fast...And the rest is history.You can read about my race experience in more detail here:

Auf der Karte



  1. TCR - Day 1

    346 km
    20,0 km/h
    4 010 m
    3 650 m
  2. 19:20
    311 km
    16,1 km/h
    4 170 m
    4 000 m
  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 19:15
    294 km
    15,3 km/h
    3 210 m
    3 600 m
  5. 17:16
    303 km
    17,5 km/h
    1 410 m
    1 490 m
  6. 17:02
    324 km
    19,0 km/h
    760 m
    620 m
  7. 18:16
    312 km
    17,1 km/h
    2 260 m
    1 670 m
  8. 17:56
    232 km
    13,0 km/h
    5 000 m
    5 520 m
  9. 16:33
    254 km
    15,4 km/h
    4 580 m
    3 590 m
  10. 18:21
    324 km
    17,7 km/h
    2 740 m
    3 870 m
  11. 19:18
    273 km
    14,1 km/h
    6 370 m
    5 830 m
  12. 17:32
    298 km
    17,0 km/h
    3 380 m
    3 830 m
  13. 15:34
    311 km
    20,0 km/h
    1 090 m
    1 310 m
  14. 06:56
    144 km
    20,7 km/h
    1 300 m
    1 490 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    4 054 km
  • Zeit
    238:22 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    42 490 m

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