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Family-friendly bikepacking – Viking Coastal Trail


Family-friendly bikepacking – Viking Coastal Trail


Family-friendly bikepacking – Viking Coastal Trail

Fahrrad-Collection von Kell



1-2 Std

/ Tag

55,8 km

300 m

300 m

Welcome to our family-friendly bikepacking Collection, one of many tried and tested routes suitable for riding with little ones. This Collection showcases my trip to Kent, offering you the perfect weekend adventure for the whole family.

🚴🏼‍♀️ 7 Collinge's embarked on a two-day bikepacking trip from Margate, exploring the scenic Viking Coastal Trail and connecting with NCN 15 route in the centre.

🏨 In the middle, we stayed in Minster overnight in a hotel just off the route.
While it's possible to finish the route in a day, spending a night on this type of journey with little ones turns it into a fun little adventure. It also meant we took our time enjoying the beaches, cafes and sights.

⚙️ I towed my son in his trailer; the gate access was wide enough, and the trails were smooth, providing a really pleasant ride. Additionally, the majority of the route was traffic-free.

☕️ Take in the 2p machines and enjoy the many cafe stops with a view. End the trip at Dreamland in Margate for some top family fun. Packing essentials include bucket and spade.

☀️ The scenery was beautiful, and the weather was kind. In the height of summer, there may be some route adjustments due to limited access on the seafront, but you can easily hop onto the coastal road. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and we would definitely do it again!

↗️ I've included the full route in this Collection should you wish to complete the loop in one day or add different stops to suit your preferences.

For more family-friendly bikepacking adventures check out my trips in North Yorkshire komoot.com/collection/2447887 and the Peak District komoot.com/collection/2208647

Auf der Karte


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Viking Coastal Trail – full route

52,6 km

260 m

260 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

Oder übernimm die vorgeschlagenen Tagesetappen aus dieser Collection direkt in den Mehrtagesplaner und plan so deine eigene Version dieses Abenteuers.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Day 1: Margate to Minster – Viking Coastal Trail

    28,3 km
    11,7 km/h
    220 m
    180 m
    Mittelschwere Fahrradtour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Von Margate nach Minster genossen wir die Pfade auf den Klippen, den Meerblick und die glatten, breiten Wege.


    Zu den Highlights gehörten Broadstairs, Staples Coffee and Baked Goods in Ramsgate, Ramsgate Wetherspoons (mit seinem schönen Strand dahinter) und das Wikingerschiff „Hugin“.


    Wir waren angenehm

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  2. 01:34
    27,5 km
    17,6 km/h
    80 m
    120 m
    Leichte Fahrradtour. Für alle Fitnesslevel. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Am zweiten Tag unserer Familien-Bikepacking-Tour verließen wir unser Hotel und kehrten auf den Viking Trail zurück. Unser erster Stopp war Hathats für einen Kaffee, wo Atlas dem Spielplatz 10/10 Punkte gab.


    Dann folgten wir der Ufermauer nach Westgate-on-Sea und weiter nach Margate. Der Küstenpfad war

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    55,8 km
  • Zeit
    03:59 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    300 m300 m

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